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CORE of Adoption, LLC is a coaching service specifically for teen and young adult adoptees that addresses and works through the 7 Core Issues of Adoption (loss, rejection, guilt, identity, grief, intimacy, and control) all within a safe space with a fellow adoptee of shared lived experience. Let's walk this journey together.

Hi. I'm Sara

Hi, I'm Sara

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I was adopted from an orphanage in Jiangsu, Yang Zhou China when I was 13 months old. Since then, I grew up in the Lancaster, PA area with my parents and my sister, also adopted from China. I studied Social Work in undergrad and graduate school and went on to attain my License of Social Work in 2019. Through working in the adoption field, my passion for the population grew even more as I was personally challenged to engage my own adoption story in a deeper way. ​


Other than working with adoptees and families, you can find me enjoying and participating in ALL THINGS music and food - any combination of the two is my absolute favorite! I have a supportive husband, Jared and two very fluffy cats at my home in Lancaster County, PA.


Yangzhou, China

It's a Journey

Adoption is not a one-time event; it is a lifelong journey...

The core of adoption, for the adoptee, is the ongoing inward exploration and outward response to the adoption triad (birth parents, adoptive parents, adoptee), all making the adoptee's experience a life-long journey.


May, 2000

What Families are Saying...

Lisa O.

I am so thankful for this adoption support group!

I think it is helping [teen] move towards coming to terms with parts of her story

What Families Say

©2022 by CORE of Adoption, LLC.

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