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Flower Bouquet


For people interested in learning more about navigating life as an adoptee or being a parent of an adoptee, there are numerous resources that provide research-based information on adoption-related issues and offers guidance. Whether you're an adoptee or a parent of an adoptee, I trust these resources can provide valuable information and support.

Love What Matters Article

Love What Matters is about celebrating the emotional moments of lives. The stories are real and raw and they connect with audiences in a way that transcends typical social media. Stories cover an array of topics - family, love, health, relationships, children and animals. I had the privilege of being featured on this unique platform through sharing my story in a written article.

Click on the picture to read the article.

The Honor Summit Blog: Dear Baby Yang Zhi Hong

I wrote a letter to myself back in January of 2020. It was a pivotal moment in my healing journey. I decided to share my letter in The Honor Summit blog. The Honor Summit is a non-denominational and non-profit organization that exists to center Asian American women and all women in the mission of God - within the church and world. Click on the picture to read the blog.

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